narcissistic personality disorder

Have you also noticed that some individuals around you are very self-obsessed, lack empathy, behave rudely, or act controlling with others? If yes then you have encountered personalities who are called narcissists. People with these traits are not bound to any gender, age, or location as it is a sort of negative attitude or persona that reflects in their way of talking, behaving, or body language. Not only this but finding and recognizing such individuals is also a bit difficult as they switch their personalities with the speed of light. So for this, we made a complete guide sharing the most common 12 traits of a narcissist which will surely help you a lot in identifying and dealing with them.

Who is a narcissist?

Narcissist is basically a term that is used for those individuals who are going through a clinical condition called narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). In this, the person becomes more self-centered and ignores the feelings of others. 

This behavior in an individual varies from subtle to overt depending on their control of their own emotions and thoughts. The cause of NPD is still not clear but as per some research, it is reported that genetics, environmental factors, childhood experiences, and emotional regulations can be some of the reasons behind the same. 

Furthermore, there are no such medical tests like MRI, blood tests, urine tests, and so on that may help in diagnosing narcissism. However, seeking consultation from a professional psychiatrist can help a lot in this matter as they study the mental state of an individual and give the required treatment accordingly. 

12 Traits Of A Narcissist

Below are a few most commonly found characteristics of a narcissistic individual which will help you identify them and learn about their weird personality very well. So, let’s begin!

1. Their behavior is manipulative

manipulative nature
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People who are narcissists often use their charm or emotion to manipulate others around them. They do this to get their task done, achieve what they want, or take advantage of them.

Their manipulative behavior makes them untrustworthy, puts their reputation at stake, and affects their relationships very badly. Such individuals can exploit or hurt their closed ones by using manipulative tactics like guilt, fear, praise, and so on.

2. They lack boundaries 

lack of boundaries
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One of the 12 traits of a narcissist is that they do not understand the limitations or boundaries of any relationship. They often disrespect or force themselves in others’ personal space and expect that they deal with them over their own problems.

Not only this but such individuals also try to be a part of every hot topic and want to be on the top of everyone’s priority list which impacts their professional and personal bonds very badly.

3. They are extremely sensitive

extremely sensitive- 12 traits of a narcissist
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Narcissist people are very emotionally active which means they get excessively angry, aggressive, upset, defensive, or happy when someone comments on them or their esteem.

Not only this but they also seek validation or admiration from external people and if they don’t get the same then they feel criticized, ignored, or disrespected. All of this behavior makes them weaker, away from the truth, and irresponsible for any event or action.

4. They are envious

envious-12 traits of a narcissist
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Narcissistic people never feel happy with the success, power, and potential of others as it makes them feel inferior. They have hatred for those who are superior to them in any aspect including work, status, dress up, and so on.

Not only this but they also spend a huge amount of their time and energy on defeating them or representing that they are far better than them. This trait makes them a non supportive personality and one who always wants to undermine others.

5. They are not responsible

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Narcissists never accept their mistakes, blame other people, or make excuses for every inappropriate action which makes them least responsible for a task. Not only this but there are times when they completely deny to do or show minimal engagement in any work.

All of this leads them to go through some consequences like removal from the group, sharing no crucial information with them, losing trust in them, and so on.

6. They exaggerate topics

exaggerate things
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One of the 12 traits of a narcissist is that they stretch things which means they share their accomplishments, emotions, or abilities in an exaggerated way so that people fall for their words and also believe or praise them for that.

Their grandiose behavior makes them unauthentic or not so genuine to trust which eventually creates a void in their life. From bluffing about their wealth and status to intelligence and family, they share everything in a stretched manner so that people give them special treatment.

7. They are very exploitive 

exploitive-12 traits of a narcissist
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Narcissistic individuals are very smart when it comes to taking others’ advantage for the sake of completing their own goals. They often exploit emotions or make fake connections to use the power, potential, and resources of people around them.

Not only this but narcissists use different tactics to take advantage of others’ weaker points so that their personal needs can be effortlessly fulfilled.

8. They are self-obsessed

self obsessed
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One of the 12 traits of a narcissist is that they are very obsessed with themselves. They always want people around them to praise, give attention, admire their looks, make them prioritize, and show that they are the best among all.

Not only this but they always flaunt and flex about their gadgets, makeup, dresses, luxurious items, connections, and so on with the people around them. All of this makes narcissistic people look egoistic and leads others to feel inferior in front of them.

9. They have no empathy

no empathy- 12 traits of a narcissist
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Narcissistic people never understand or cooperate with the feelings of other people. Disrespecting the emotional needs of people around them is their most common trait which directly affects their relationships. Lack of empathy makes their personality look mean, rude, emotionless, and least likely to be friends with anyone.

10. They spoil their relationships

 spoil relationships
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One of the 12 traits of a narcissist is that they always put their relationship at risk due to their own manipulative and sensitive characteristics. Not only this but they also used to dominate, hurt, and ignore the emotions of their partner which soon became a pattern.

Furthermore, their lack of empathy, frequent conflicting nature, and habit of criticizing others turn their good bond into bad or break their long-term relationships in no time.

11. They make grandiose statements

grandiose statements
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Narcissistic people always make exaggerated statements about their status or achievements to impress others. They represent their personality in an over-positive way so that people get attracted to them.

Not only this but they also share their unrealistic plans and fantasies for a goal which makes them look supremely confident in their endeavors. Doing all of this, makes them feel superior to others.

12. They have an entitled mentality

 entitled mentality
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One of the 12 traits of a narcissist is that they live in a fantasy world where they keep unrealistic expectations from others and have their self-made rules and regulations.

In their entitled mentality, they deserve special treatment, privileges, and recognition even without making any major contribution. Not only this but they also think that their self-importance will give them all the good things without even working for them.


1. What can be the causes of narcissism?

Any childhood trauma, environment, genetics, or other physiological factors can be a few reasons behind the narcissistic behavior of an individual.

2. How should I deal with a narcissist?

Observing their behavior, staying away from their bad intentions, and maintaining minimal conversation are a few ways through which you can deal with a narcissist in the most natural way.

3. What are some traits of a narcissist?

They are self-obsessed, have a lack of boundaries, get offended easily, make grandiose statements, carry no empathy, act irresponsibly, behave manipulative, and so on are a few traits of a narcissist.

4. Is narcissism any health condition?

It is basically a clinical condition which is called narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) in medical language. In this, the person becomes more self-centered, envious, irresponsible, and ignores the feelings of others.

5. How to diagnose narcissism?

There is no such medical test that can help in diagnosing narcissistic traits in an individual. However, a psychologist with great experience can surely assist you and give you the required treatment. 


Above we shared 12 traits of a narcissist along with its meaning and FAQs which might have helped you in understanding this personality far better. They are not easy to deal with and always stay lost in their own world where they deserve all the attention, importance, and esteem from others.

I hope the page helped you and if you still want any further assistance then do let us know through the comment box mentioned below. 

By PreetiJha

Preeti Jha is a young writer who loves reading, writing, and using words in the crispiest and clearest way possible. She has 3+ years of industry experience and holds a very good command over language and representation of content. She believes in hard work and dedication when it comes to winning any milestone or getting loyal readers. From reporting and anchoring to writing and radio jockeying, she has an interest in various fields of mass communication.