
Ever since India became a part of the world, it has had its share of changes. One of the significant changes in recent years is that the Constitution of India has been amended twice to keep up with current trends and demands. So what is this thing that has continuously grown and changed? The chapter in ncert social science class 8 teaches about the Indian constitution

What is the Indian Constitution?

The Indian Constitution is the supreme law of India. It was drafted by the Constituent Assembly, which was elected in 1947 and completed its work in 1950. The document consists of 88 articles and eleven appendices. The first part of the Constitution establishes India as a republic and defines its territorial boundaries. The second part deals with fundamental rights and freedoms, including freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and association; equality before the law; and protection from arbitrary arrest and detention.

The Indian Constitution has been amended 25 times, most recently in 2012. Its principles are enshrined in the country’s legal system and are used to judge whether laws passed by the Indian Parliament comply with the Constitution.

What is meant by ‘Property’ in the Indian Constitution?

The Indian Constitution defines property: “All Property, except religious and charitable institutions, shall be liable to taxation.” This means that all forms of property, including land, buildings, businesses, and securities are subject to taxation. The Constitution also guarantees a right to private property. However, the government can take measures necessary for public welfare or the general good.

Evolution of Political Thought from Colonialism to Independence

The Constitution of India is one of the most influential documents globally. It was drafted over six years, beginning in 1949 and completed in 1956. The Constitution is divided into nine parts and covers a wide range of topics, from fundamental rights to the structure of the government. 

One of the most critical aspects of the Constitution is its focus on democracy. The Constitution provides for a strong central government with limited powers and democratic institutions such as a parliament and an independent judiciary. The Constitution also guarantees religious freedom and minority rights, and it recognizes the importance of social justice. 

The Constitution has had a significant impact on Indian politics and society. It has helped strengthen the central government, allowing foster democracy, religious freedom, and social justice.

India’s independence is a story of revolution. In 1947, the British Raj ended, and India became an independent republic. The struggle for Indian independence was long and bloody, culminating in a peaceful transfer of power to the new government. This revolution is told in two books, Chandra Shekhar Azad’s What’s India’s Constitution? andJayaprakash Narayan’s Democracy: An Indian Experiment.

Contribution of Constitution Framers for Democracy in India

The Constitution of India is the fundamental law of India, as well as the country’s first and oldest document. It was drafted by a committee comprising primarily British Indian lawyers and was adopted on 26 January 1950. The Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to all citizens and lays down the principles of federalism, parliamentary democracy, and secularism. Since then, the Constitution has been amended 32 times, most recently in 2014 according to Infinity Learn.

How to score high marks on Indian history essays

The essay questions in your Indian history class are trickier than you think. There’s a lot of vagueness involved, and it’s crucial to make sure that you understand what the teacher is looking for. You have to put yourself in her shoes and figure out what she will be looking for when reading over your essays. So how can you prepare for this essay? What should you do to write a historically accurate paper that also earns top marks?

The first step is research. Your essay topic will most likely require a fair amount of background knowledge, so be sure you’re familiar with the language that is used when discussing this topic. For instance, if you’re going to write about the partition of India, you must understand what partition means. And while this is a fairly obvious step, it is also worth mentioning that you can gain a deeper understanding of the topic by looking at other peoples’ writing. It’s paramount to learn how others have tackled this subject so that you can identify similarities and differences between your essay and others’ essays.

The second step is historical accuracy. After all, it’s very difficult to get top grades by writing offhand notes in the margins without understanding what they say. When you do research the topic thoroughly, be sure that your understanding goes beyond surface knowledge. It’s best to take notes and write down every term, fact, and even source that you use when writing your essay.

The third step is an introduction. Your introduction is your chance to set the tone of your essay; it’s a crucial way to get good marks on India history essays. An introduction should state the thesis of your essay, which is the idea that you’re trying to prove in support of the topic (or thesis). The introduction should also clearly state why you’re writing about this subject in terms of its relevance to other topics, as well as what audience you are writing for.


NCERT solutions for class 8 social science are necessary to score good marks. Alongside, reading informative facts, you must know how to frame an essay-type answer. Infinity Learn is the best choice as they provide sample essay-type answers.