The Karnataka authorities has directed the Bengaluru police commissioner to probe the alleged undue unlawful interference in the tender course of for the Rs 619 crore Bengaluru Safe City Project below the Nirbhaya scheme, by impersonating because the state Home Secretary, to get categorised data. The authorities handed an order appointing the police commissioner because the Investigation Officer on December 24, which was launched to the media on Friday.
Bengaluru extra commissioner of police (adminstration), Hemant Nimbalkar wrote to Chief Secretary T M Vijay Bhaskar, requesting him to provoke an inquiry into the matter. “I have requested (the Chief Secretary) to initiate an inquiry as to who has done that (impersonation). In my letter I have not pointed out to anybody,” Nimbalkar informed PTI.
In his December 7 letter, Nimbalkar mentioned the Request For Proposal (RFP) for collection of service supplier for design, implementation and upkeep of Bengaluru Safe City mission was below course of. Nimbalkar mentioned that on December 2, he had a gathering with Akshay Singhal, the administration guide for the mission.
Singhal sought to know in regards to the e-mail communication he had with Bengaluru police commissioner Kamal Pant on November 9 and requested the developments associated to it. “The email communication attached herewith is self explanatory and amounts to clear impersonation as Home Secretary to the Government of Karnataka for getting access to classified information with respect to the RFP in preparation for Safe City project worth Rs 619 crore approx before publication of tender for wrongful gains without any lawful authority and locus standi,” Nimbalkar mentioned in his letter.
He submitted that it additionally amounted to unlawful interference in the tender course of initiated by the Karnataka Government by an unauthorised individual. The police officer mentioned the RFP talked about in the mail hooked up was below preparation and was not revealed as on November 7, 2020, on the date of dialog.
He requested the Chief Secretary to provoke an inquiry into it and take vital motion, as per legislation The Home Ministry, in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, is implementing the mission below the Nirbhaya scheme to forestall and curb crimes towards ladies and ladies in public locations. The scheme goals at offering safer city infrastructure and environment friendly entry to legislation enforcement businesses.
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