Many individuals have been in the position of being let go from their jobs, whether it be by choice or due to downsizing. You must know how to handle this situation so that you can move forward with your life and career. This article will give you some tips to help you resign from your job with pride and professionalism.
Ensure you’re set to move on
Before you resign from your job, make sure that you are ready to move on. If you feel like you’re not ready to leave, then don’t do it. There’s no need to resign if you aren’t ready to move on. In fact, many people who resign from their jobs often regret it later because they weren’t prepared to move on when they resigned. Moreover, if you visit, you’ll realize that there are times where you may want to resign from your job even though you’re not completely ready to move on. For example, maybe you’ve just gotten married and you’re still settling into your new life together. Or perhaps you’re having trouble finding another job right now. Whatever the case may be before you resign from your job make sure that you’re really ready to move on.
Be polite
When you resign from your job you should always be polite. Even if you think that your boss has done something wrong, keep your cool and remain professional at all times. When you resign from your job remember that you are leaving your current employer and that you owe them respect. So, while you may want to tell your boss exactly what he did wrong, try to refrain from doing so unless you absolutely must. Instead, politely state why you are resigning from your job.
Be brief
It is also very important that you be brief when you resign from your job. Many people tend to ramble on about everything that happened during their time working for their company. However, if you’re going to resign from your job you shouldn’t be rambling on about every detail. Instead, focus on the main points of why you are resigning. Also, don’t forget to thank your former employer for allowing you to work for them.
Don’t give reasons for resigning
Resigning from your job without giving reasons could hurt your chances of getting hired again. While it may seem like you’re being honest about why you’re resigning, employers won’t hire someone who doesn’t provide any reason as to why they left their previous job. Therefore, if you decide to resign from your job without providing any reasons, you’ll probably end up wasting time looking for a new job.
Prepare for a follow-up call
If you decide to resign from a job, prepare yourself for a phone call from your former employer. Most likely, they will ask you questions such as: “Why did you resign?” or “What happened?”. Make sure that you answer these questions professionally and honestly.
Resigning from your current job isn’t easy. But, if you take the necessary steps to ensure that you’re ready to resign from your job with dignity and professionalism, you’ll most likely find that it goes much smoother than you thought.