Can Cats Eat Beans Feature image
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Caring for your cat is one of the most challenging things, especially if it’s your first time as a pet parent. This beautiful bond demands a lot of concern, time, and understanding to keep the pet healthy. Most pet parents often have queries stating “Can cats eat beans”, “Can we give cats regular baths”, “What should I feed my cats”, and more. So, to make your task more effortless and beneficial for the cat’s health, we have made this complete guide. Let’s begin then!

Can cats eat beans?

No doubt that beans are very nutritious for humans and are a major source of protein for us, but it is not exactly the same with cats or any other pet. The fact is that except for the cocoa and coffee beans, all are non-toxic for cats but only if they are given as a treat. The point of concern here is that giving excessive beans to cats can also result in major side effects. 

Can cats eat beans
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The reason behind limiting beans for cats is that their body prefers meat-based meals more than vegetables and fruits because of their digestive capabilities or system as they are obligate carnivores. Veterinary doctors also recommend that beans should be given to cats very occasionally and as a supplement only. 

Giving beans in a little portion, once a week is okay but excessive amounts of the same can make the cat’s stomach upset and result in bad health. Cat’s body also requires high protein which they usually get from animal’s protein because this can be easily digested by them in comparison to legumes.

Which beans can cats eat?

As per many researches, reports, and sources, it is said that cats should never eat cocoa beans and coffee beans in any form whether cooked or raw because they have caffeine and theobromine which affects the cat’s health so badly. Intake of them or their byproducts can result in a fast heartbeat rate, improper nervous system functioning, and major loss of body fluids. 

Which beans can cats eat
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Apart from this, you should also say not to jelly beans as they are loaded with excessive sugar and not the perfect match for a cat’s body. Except for them, you can give your cat other beans like black beans, green beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, and more which are easily available in the market. Lastly, make sure to use beans as a supplement only and not as a complete diet otherwise your cat’s health can fall into the red zone. 

How to prepare beans for the cats?

Giving beans to the cats is not a sin but make sure to keep a check on the quantity. The steps for making beans as per the cat’s eating habits and health are mentioned below:

Step 1: Soak 5-7 beans for 3 hours so that the sugar and phytates get removed from them.

Step 2: After this boil them for 1 hour or until they get completely cooked.  

Step 3: Now try to crush one of the beans for confirmation that they have softened enough.

Step 4: Let it cool for a few minutes and serve with the meal bowl. Make sure not to add any salt, spice, or flavors to it. 

What are the side effects of giving beans to the cats?

What are the side effects of giving beans to the cats

As we said beans are not something toxic to feed the cats but giving it often and like a complete meal can be a big problem. The cat food available in the market also adds a small amount of beans as a filler only or with the purpose of giving minimal nutrition to the diet. But feeding excessive of beans to the cats can result in the below-mentioned health conditions: 

  • Your cat may suffer from continuous stomach ache.
  • There are chances of going through irritable bowel syndrome. 
  • Can also lead to indigestion or acidity.
  • Your cat can also go through strong intestinal pain.
  • Can also result in allergies like itching (very rare).

What are the things that cats eat?

What are the things that cats eat
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Keep it very simple and feed them those food items that obligate carnivores would generally eat in jungles or wilds, which means meat. Make sure that their diet is well-balanced and give their body all the required nutrition and minerals. Some main meal components are mentioned below which you can use to feed them in different ways.

  • Fishes meal
  • Animal meat
  • Poultry byproducts
  • Melon or other antioxidant fruits
  • Dried chicory root 

The options are endless and vary from one cat to another because of different taste preferences. Yet, milk, fish, eggs, and meats are liked by most of them. 


1. How are beans beneficial for cats?

Giving excessive beans to cats can result in their bad health but a small portion, once a week can fulfill their minor nutritional needs very effortlessly. 

2. What are the side effects of giving beans to the cats?

Making your cat eat the beans often and in large quantities like the main component of the meal can lead to stomach aches, intestinal pain, allergies, and acidity as well which can be cured only after a visit to the veterinary doctor. 

3. Which beans can be given to cats for eating?

Black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, and many more types of beans can be given to the cats. The exception here is cocoa beans and coffee beans as they contain caffeine and are least suitable for a cat’s diet and digestion as well. 

4. How many beans can I give to my cat in a week?

5-8 beans once a week is enough for a cat as this will give minimal nutrition and zero negative results to them. Keep the beans simple which means there should be no salt, pepper, or other spices added to it. 

5. Should I give black beans to my cat?

Giving black beans occasionally in a small portion is recommended by many veterinary doctors. These black beans have iron, phosphorus, saponins, calcium, quercetin, and many other beneficial nutrients available which help in making the cat’s bone strong, lowering the blood pressure, and curing many heart diseases. 


Above we answer all the questions stating whether can cats eat beans, what they should eat, and more which might have helped you in making your cat’s diet plan more effortlessly and precisely. 

In a nutshell, we will conclude by saying that beans are not something toxic for cats but their regular dosage in an excessive amount can lead to many drastic health issues. If you still want any further assistance or have any queries regarding this topic then connect with us through the comment box. Till then, happy pet parenting!  

By PreetiJha

Preeti Jha is a young writer who loves reading, writing, and using words in the crispiest and clearest way possible. She has 3+ years of industry experience and holds a very good command over language and representation of content. She believes in hard work and dedication when it comes to winning any milestone or getting loyal readers. From reporting and anchoring to writing and radio jockeying, she has an interest in various fields of mass communication.