When it comes to pet insurance, many individuals think that the benefits for their pets outweigh the cost. However, there are several important factors that must be considered when looking into purchasing a policy because there are a lot of options available.
Common Pre-Existing Conditions in Pets
Some pets are more prone to developing diseases, disorders, or conditions than humans. Pets experience issues similar to those of their human counterparts, and some have pre-existing health conditions that may disqualify them from coverage.
Pre-existing conditions in pets refer to any chronic health condition that a pet has been diagnosed with prior to obtaining insurance coverage.
Arthritis — Some pets are prone to arthritis, as it is an age-related disease in some breeds of dogs, including Golden Retrievers and Belgian Malinois. Hip Dysplasia — A common issue in large breed dogs due to both genetics and lifestyle.
Cancer — All animals may develop cancer at any stage of their life but there are more risks for certain types of cancer in different types of mammals. Diabetes — Diabetes is another chronic health condition that pets can develop throughout the ages.
Allergies — Many dogs or cats suffer from allergies which require regular medical treatment but what triggers the allergy or severity may vary depending on the type or severity of the symptoms involved. Skin conditions — Some pets such as horses and parrots have skin conditions which might require ongoing management and treatment because they put your animal at risk for future complications if they aren’t treated properly
Pet Insurance and Pre-Existing Conditions
In the United States, pet insurance policies are created specifically to protect your pet in the event of injuries, illness, or chronic health conditions that may occur in the future. Veterinarians recommend waiting until your pet is at least three years old before buying a policy for them.
This can be frustrating for pet parents since many do not adopt their pets when they are young; unfortunately, because of these circumstances, some people have missed out on buying a policy early in their kitties or puppies life.
How Does the Pet Insurance Company Know About Your Pet’s Pre-Existing Condition?
It’s important to understand your pet insurance company’s policies before you become a customer. Lots of people get swindled into buying policies that aren’t right for them.
Your pet insurance company might require that your dog or cat submit a health evaluation performed by their veterinarian before they’ll extend coverage. And depending on the conditions in which your dog or cat needs care, you may find that only certain companies offer specialized plans with the benefits and costs that make sense for you and your pet.
How to Get Healthcare Coverage for a Pet with a Pre-Existing Condition
If you’re concerned about your pet’s healthcare, it might seem like there are not many options for you if your beloved dog or cat has a pre-existing condition. Pet Assure is different because it’s not a pet health insurance company, but a veterinary care discount plan that allows you to take advantage of affordable care at any participating veterinarian.
Pet Assure is an inclusive plan that provides affordable benefits for any type of pet health care need, whether the animal has a pre-existing condition or not. With its discount plans and flexible discounts, those with legitimate concerns over the cost of veterinary appointments and treatments can support their four-footed family members with affordable and quality choices.
Pet Assure offering is designed to give every pet parent access to affordable options based on the needs of their particular four-legged family member’s lifestyle – all while keeping costs low in a simple and sustainable way. It’s designed to save you time and money by saving high-quality time with your pet so that your life doesn’t become even more complicated.
When it comes to your pet, part of the difficulty may be finding a health insurance that has a large enough budget for all the care your pet needs. Lucky for you, some companies make pet health care a more affordable option by offering discounts.
Many people find that Pet Assure is the best option for them because it is not an insurance company. It’s a veterinary care plan available to any pet – no matter if its current medical condition or history is great or not.
Pet Assure is an inclusive plan offered with no membership costs and low monthly fees attached – making this type of discount much more affordable than other plans. With your Pet Assure plan in place, you’ll be able to take full advantage of receiving affordable care at any participating veterinarian with options such as:
Pet Assure offers every pet parent with the options they need to provide their animals with the best possible life. The important thing is finding out what works best for your own cat or dog and balancing that with being budget-conscious and taking good care of them.
On top of everything else, when the healthcare for your pets is affordable, you can focus more on loving them and nurturing them so they have a high quality life – whether their pre-existing condition is good